The Good Muslim

লেখক: Tahmina Anam

বিষয়: কথাসাহিত্য, ইংরেজি বই

৫৬০.০০ টাকা ২০% ছাড় ৭০০.০০ টাকা

TAHMIMA ANAM was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Her first novel, A Golden Age, was shortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award and the Costa First Novel Prize, and was the winner of the 2008 Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best First Book. Her writing has been published in Granta, the  New York Times, and the Guardian. She lives in London.

সংগ্রহে নেই পছন্দের তালিকায় রাখুন

বইয়ের বিবরণ

In the dying days of a brutal civil war, Sohail Haque stumbles upon an abandoned building. Inside he finds a young woman whose story will haunt him for a lifetime to come . . . Almost a decade later, Sohail’s sister Maya returns home after a long absence to find her beloved brother transformed. While Maya has stuck to her revolutionary ideals, Sohail has  shunned his old life to become a charismatic religious leader. And when Sohail decides to send his son to madrasa, the conflict between them comes to a devastating climax. Set in Bangladesh at a time when religious fundamentalism is on the rise, The Good Muslim  is an epic story about faith, family and the long shadow of war.

আলোর উৎস কিংবা ডিভাইসের কারণে বইয়ের প্রকৃত রং কিংবা পরিধি ভিন্ন হতে পারে।

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