How Did We Arrive Here?

লেখক: আলী রীয়াজ

বিষয়: ইংরেজি বই

২৬২.৫০ টাকা ২৫% ছাড় ৩৫০.০০ টাকা

Bangladesh stands at a crossroads today. In the past years, the nation has arrived at a divisive, polarized political environment where the semblances of democratic culture and practices are fading fast; violence perpetrated in the causes of religious politics, democracy, and law and order have reached a new height; and the constitution is losing its role as the nation’s guide. How Did We Arrive Here? examines the causes of and condition for this malaise and calls for introspection. It is a must-read for observers of the contemporary Bangladeshi politics, at home and abroad.

সংগ্রহে নেই পছন্দের তালিকায় রাখুন

বইয়ের বিবরণ

Bangladesh stands at a crossroads today. In the past years, the nation has arrived at a divisive, polarized political environment where the semblances of democratic culture and practices are fading fast; violence perpetrated in the causes of religious politics, democracy, and law and order have reached a new height; fundamental human rights are trampled at will; the majoritarian mindset is marginalizing various segments of the society; institutions are being deliberately eroded and the constitution is losing its role as the nation’s guide. This is not the country that was promised in 1971. The high ideals of equality, human dignity and social justice led to the founding of the country. How Did We Arrive Here? examines the causes of and condition for this malaise, calls for introspection, and maps the potential trajectories. It is a must-read for observers of the contemporary Bangladeshi politics, at home and abroad.

আলোর উৎস কিংবা ডিভাইসের কারণে বইয়ের প্রকৃত রং কিংবা পরিধি ভিন্ন হতে পারে।

আলী রীয়াজ

Ali Riaz is a Distinguished Professor of political science at Illinois State University (ISU) and a Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council. Dr. Riaz held various positions at ISU including University Professor and Thomas E Eimmerman Professorship. He was the chair of the Department of Politics and Government between 2007 and 2017. He previously taught at universities in Bangladesh, England and South Carolina, and worked as a Broadcast Journalist at the BBC World Service in London. Riaz served as a Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars at Washington D.C. in 2013, and as a consultant to various international organizations. His recent publications include Trials & Tribulations: Politics, Economy and Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh (2023). Prothoma has published several books by Dr. Riaz including ভয়ের সংস্কৃতি (২০২২), নিখোঁজ গণতন্ত্র (২০২১), Lived Islam and Islamism in Bangladesh (2017), How Did We Arrive Here? (2015).

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